July 16, 2008

Today Is The Day You Should Conquer a Fear

Every once in awhile we need to stretch ourselves out beyond our normal boundries and feel proud of ourselves.

Every once in awhile we need to take a noticeable step that makes us grow.

So today is that day. Today is the day you should conquer a fear.

So what fear will it be? What have you been putting off that you have not wanted to face?

A bill or creditor that you need to deal with?
A loan you need to ask for?
A phone call to a friend or relative that you had a disagreement with and have been putting off making up with?
A relationship that you need to end?
Maybe a relationship that you would like to start?
Vacation time or a raise you haven't wanted to ask for?
Going someplace by yourself?
Seriously starting that diet or quitting smoking?
Riding a horse, driving a car?
Dealing with your finances?

Whatever your fears might be (and you obviously know what they are) it is time to pick one and deal with it. TODAY!

Consider this a message from Universe. Meant directly for you today. It doesn't even matter what this post is dated. If you are reading it right now - it is meant personally for you at this moment.

So Just Do It! -Take a deep breath and jump in!

And it doesn't matter if you fail. And it doesn't matter if it doesn't work out. Your world won't end. The only thing that matters is that You conquered a fear today and you should be proud of yourself.

You deserve to give yourself a pat on the back for your bravery and you deserve to feel good about yourself because you did the one thing that most others wouldn't. You looked at something that scared you and didn't let it stop you!

And you grew. And you are one step closer to your goal.

So stop looking for reasons to put it off, don't wait until a later date or until the "timing" is right.

The time is right Now! - Go for it!

Happy Creating!